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[root@localhost root]# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
mount: block device /dev/cdrom is write-protected, mounting read-only
[root@localhost root]# cd /mnt/srvadmin/linux/supportscripts/
新版本光盘的路径是cd /mnt/SYSMGMT/srvadmin/linux/supportscripts        【备注:注意此处的路径】
[root@localhost supportscripts]# ls
prereqcheck  srvadmin-install.sh  srvadmin-openipmi.sh  srvadmin-services.sh  srvadmin-uninstall.sh
[root@localhost supportscripts]# ./srvadmin-install.sh 
  Server Administrator Custom Install Utility
  Components for Server Administrator Managed Node Software:
    [ ] 1. Server Administrator CLI
    [ ] 2. Server Administrator Web Server
    [ ] 3. Diagnostic Service
    [ ] 4. Storage Management
    [ ] 5. Remote Access Core Components
    [ ] 6. Remote Access SA Plugin Components
    [ ] 7. All
  Enter the number to select a component from the above list.
  Enter c to copy selected components to destination folder.
  Enter i to install the selected components.
  Enter r to reset selection and start over.
  Enter q to quit.
  Enter : 7
  Server Administrator Custom Install Utility
  Selected Options
   - All
   - Server Administrator CLI
   - Server Administrator Web Server
   - Diagnostic Service
   - Storage Management
   - Remote Access Core Components
   - Remote Access SA Plugin Components
  Components for Server Administrator Managed Node Software:
    [x] 1. Server Administrator CLI
    [x] 2. Server Administrator Web Server
    [x] 3. Diagnostic Service
    [x] 4. Storage Management
    [x] 5. Remote Access Core Components
    [x] 6. Remote Access SA Plugin Components
    [x] 7. All
  Enter the number to select a component from the above list.
  Enter c to copy selected components to destination folder.
  Enter i to install the selected components.
  Enter r to reset selection and start over.
  Enter q to quit.
  Enter : i
  Default install location is: /opt/dell/srvadmin
  Do you want to change it?
  Press ('y' for yes | 'Enter' for default): 
Server Administrator requires a newer version of the OpenIPMI driver modules 
for the running kernel than are currently installed on the system. The OpenIPMI 
driver modules for the running kernel will be upgraded by installing an 
OpenIPMI driver RPM. 
- DKMS install: Installing/upgrading DKMS RPM version 2.0.11-1
warning: RPMS/dkms-2.0.11-1.noarch.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 23b66a9d
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
        package dkms-2.0.13-1 (which is newer than dkms-2.0.11-1) is already installed
- OpenIPMI install: Installing/upgrading OpenIPMI driver RPM version 35.13
warning: RPMS/openipmi-35.13.RHEL3-2dkms.noarch.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 23b66a9d
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:openipmi               ########################################### [100%]
Loading kernel module source and prebuilt module binaries (if any)
Installing prebuilt kernel module binaries (if any)
Your DKMS tree now includes:
openipmi, 35.13.RHEL3, 2.4.21-37.ELhugemem, i686: built 
openipmi, 35.13.RHEL3, 2.4.21-37.ELsmp, i686: installed (original_module exists)
openipmi, 35.13.RHEL3, 2.4.21-37.EL, i686: installed (original_module exists)
openipmi, 35.13.RHEL3, 2.4.21-37.EL, ia32e: built 
openipmi, 35.13.RHEL3, 2.4.21-4.ELhugemem, i686: built 
openipmi, 35.13.RHEL3, 2.4.21-4.ELsmp, i686: built 
openipmi, 35.13.RHEL3, 2.4.21-4.EL, i686: built 
openipmi, 35.13.RHEL3, 2.4.21-15.EL, ia32e: built 
Installing the selected packages.
warning: instsvc-drivers-5.0.0-5.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 23b66a9d
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:srvadmin-omilcore      ########################################### [  6%]
     To start all installed services without a reboot,
     enter the following command:  srvadmin-services.sh  start
   2:srvadmin-deng          ########################################### [ 12%]
   3:srvadmin-omacore       ########################################### [ 18%]
   4:srvadmin-jre           ########################################### [ 24%]
   5:srvadmin-odf           ########################################### [ 29%]
   6:srvadmin-ipmi          ########################################### [ 35%]
   7:srvadmin-hapi          ########################################### [ 41%]
   8:srvadmin-isvc          ########################################### [ 47%]
   9:srvadmin-rac5-component########################################### [ 53%]
  10:instsvc-drivers        ########################################### [ 59%]
  11:srvadmin-cm            ########################################### [ 65%]
  12:srvadmin-iws           ########################################### [ 71%]
  13:srvadmin-old           ########################################### [ 76%]
  14:srvadmin-omhip         ########################################### [ 82%]
  15:srvadmin-racadm5       ########################################### [ 88%]
  16:srvadmin-racdrsc5      ########################################### [ 94%]
  17:srvadmin-storage       ########################################### [100%]
   Do you want the Server Administrator services started?
   Press ('y' for yes | 'Enter' to exit): y
Starting mptctl:
Waiting for mptctl driver registration to complete:
                                                           [  OK  ]
Starting Systems Management Device Drivers:
Starting dell_rbu:                                         [  OK  ]
Starting ipmi driver:                                      [  OK  ]
Starting snmpd:                                            [  OK  ]
Starting Systems Management Data Engine:
Starting dsm_sa_datamgr32d:                                [  OK  ]
Starting dsm_sa_eventmgr32d:                               [  OK  ]
Starting dsm_sa_snmp32d:                                   [  OK  ]
Starting DSM SA Shared Services:                           [  OK  ]
Starting DSM SA Connection Service:                        [  OK  ]

[root@localhost supportscripts]# cd
[root@localhost root]# umount /mnt
使用:网页访问 https://IP:1311 ;登录账户就是root的用户名跟密码



首先,我们要用到的是戴尔的管理软件Server Administrator,这个软件大家可以对应自己的服务器在dell官网下载,其次要注意的是在我们操作过程中必须选择安装OMSS模块

1、打开Server Administrator,点虚拟磁盘在可用任务里选“重新配置”,执行:


3、 选择RAID级别。



6、扩容后, 打开磁盘管理器, 重新扫描, 可以看到未分配的空间。

7、如果系统是Win2008, 选择扩展卷即可. 如果是Win2003, 用extpart。

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发布者:admin 发布时间:2013/3/7 阅读:3532

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